Friday, July 30, 2010

Pumpkin cheese spring 'square'

I told my mum that I'll come up with something creative for yesterday's dinner and she was quite doubtful about it. Ya, that's the mindset of my parents who think that youngsters can't really make it for cooking nowadays.
To prove to her that the younger new generation are equally capable and competent, I cracked my brain hard to come up with a new dish.

At the same time, I do feel sick and tired from the same dishes everyday and to come up with something new and creative has what I always wanted to do.

Mum had bought plenty of pumpkins home and I was thinking what I can come up with it.
Rummaging the fridge, I found a packet of frozen spring roll pastry (which mum bought it for the sake of buying it) and a leftover mozarella cheese.

There's the creativity came in. The combination of pumpkins, cheese and breadcrumbs ( gives the extra crispiness) wrapped with spring roll gives a perfect match! This recipe is also smashing easy!


  • 1 packet of defroze spring roll pastry
  • 1 packet of mozarella cheese ( or cheese of your choice)
  • 1 packet of breadcrumbs
  • half a pumpkin, sliced
  • enough oil for deep-frying

  1. Heat up oil at medium heat.
  2. Place one piece of pumpkin on the center of the pastry, topped with cheese and breadcrumbs.
  3. Fold the edges of the pastry to the center, enfolding the toppings.
  4. Deep-fry the pumpkin cheese spring squares till golden brown.
  5. Serve warm!

Dad extoled that it was a ingenious way to handle this dish since the spring roll pastry allow longer time before the pastry soften and lose its crispiness. The alternative way of coating with batter will be soggy after they're cooled to room temperature.

Chunks of pumpkin cheese spring square!

The pumpkin is soft yet not too mashy.
You can be more generous with the cheese to create a cheese melting out effect!

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