Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pamper myself!

I want to live a life of 'tai-tai', indulge myself with luxurious and sumptuous living, making myself busy with facial, spa, massage, shopping, manicure + pedicure, hair treatment, grooming myself.......


These can be fufilled in my dream. I'm a dirt-poor almost-to-be adult. How I wish I can strike a BIG lottery one day and rest my butt on my bed.

That's part of my wishful desire... *sob*

To compensate for my superfluous and indispensable yearning, I did a D-I-Y facial treatment at home.

To start off with my homely done facial treatment, I washed my face with normal cleanser.

Exfoliation- Honey black sugar scrub that really comes with grains of sugar that exfoliate the dead skin away.

After exfoliation, wash the grains scrub away with water and wipe dry my face.

Seaweed mask that controls oil sebum and  helps in purifying and tightening of pores.

 All right, that's fugly and I don't understand what sorta expression I'm giving. By the way, I do look like the Na'vi from Avatar.

After 15 mins, I washed off the mask and clean my face dry and clean.

Next, apply another mask.

Cucumber mask- refreshing and cooling ( if you place it in the fridge before you apply).
It helps to hydrate the skin and keep it smooth and silky.

At the meantime while waiting for the applied mask to be ready, have a cup of green tea and grab a magazine to read.

Green tea consists of anti-oxidants, helps in weight-loss and also reduces the chances of getting heart disease.

That's part of loosening up and relax your mind. Thumbs up to a snug living!

After another 15mins of waiting, wash off your face and clean dry it.

Hmmm.... what to do with the tea bag, it such a waste to dump it away.
Yes! 'Recycle' it and apply it on top of the eyes. It helps to reduce eye puffiness.

All the products that I'd used are from faceshop except for the tea bag. Haha.
It's odd to see that my face is porcellaneous, so smooth and silky.

Ok, to be frank, I did some editings to my skin texture. I can't bear to see my shit-ass ugly  face!

I want a plastic surgery!!!
All right, I'm just kidding :)

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