Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Roti Prrr...rata!

Roti Prata which we called it in Singapore is one of my all-time favourite Indian food! Especially, I love the crispy type of prata that goes, "Crunch, crunch, crunch" with every bite that you take.

It is known as roti canai in Malaysia and a more buttery and richer taste version of it called roti planta which I preferably avid for.

Making prata dough is easy  but I was perturbed and apprehended by the flipping part which is onerous.
To resolve this problem, I simply just spread out and flattened the dough by pushing to all sides which was merely passable.

Warning: The pictures show signs of nudity, children of age 16 and below are unsuitable to see.


Sorry daddy, I sacrificed your image but as a piety daughter, I mosaicked your nipples!
To accentuate, I failed utterly for the 'bowl in the hands' picture, should try to practise harder!

Dough rolled into little balls.
To reach for the crispier version, try to cross out the addition of milk or eggs even though they do provide a richer taste.
The simpler the ingredients for prata, the more crispier it is.

As for me, my dough consisted of plain flour, salt, sugar, oil and water. I rubbed the dough with generous amount of magarine or butter to give the buttery taste and also to cover up the taste of the flour.

Let the dough stand in the fridge or outside the fridge for more than 1 hour after rubbing them with sufficient magarine.
Reminder: Thaw your dough after taking them out of the fridge if you stored it overnight.

Heat up oil in a pan and at the mean time, it's time for fun dough flipping!

1)  Spread out the dough with oil greased on your palms.

2)  Try out the flipping of the dough to a big thin sheet ( this depends on your skill )

3)  Fold the sides to towards the center and roll the dough from the bottom up to form a 'chee cheong fun' shape. Coil it up and let it rest to relax the strain for 10 mins.

4) After 10 mins of rest, punch the dough flat and do the flipping again. Fold the sides towards the center again but skip the step of rolling into 'chee cheong fun'.

5) Send it directly to the well-heated pan and pan-fried the prata till it appears golden brown and crispy.

Crispy yet not hard and tough to bite it off.

Look at the flakes that scattered out when I tore it apart.

This prata is a meanie which adds up your calories! Those on diet have to shove it out from your menu!


Treat from Mummy!

I importuned my mum for Hasma cream (雪蛤膏) as she made empty promise long ago.
After my vexing besiegement, she relented to my request and treated us with the nourishing Hasma cream.

Well, it not a cream which you applied externally on your body. It's a chinese medicine that can be consumed as dessert. It is a sexual organ taken from female toad ( In fact, it's disgusting) and constitutes of high percentage of proteins that improve our skin texture. That's a good news for ladies!

For the first time when I comprehended that Hasma cream comes from female toad's sexual organ,  I grimaced. Relatively, it is an exorbitant stuff that cost a bomb!
And of course, I tried to accept it and I'm loving it now :)

It was kinda cruel to do that to an animal, but by reducing the rate of consumption, it helps to reduce my guilt and sins towards these animals.

Broiled with  red dates and rock candy

Monday, June 28, 2010

A bar of it...

My family simply loves the oreo cheesecake which I made for them. I reduced the amount of sugar and added in more oreo crush which gives more texture to it.

A morsel of it literally send you to heaven! All right, I'm overstating :)

Mum's 'bo-song' face- That's not the subject!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My grandma...

My endearing grandma, borned in the year of 1934 or dog in chinese zodiac,  an ordinary lady who lived a life of humbleness and has never been inordinately austere. Yet, she was well-liked by her neighbours and friends, whom find her munificent and bounteous. One may never imagine that she will provide a shelter for a unknown vagrant.

Back in her youth, she lived in a tumbledown and dilapitated kampong-like house, raising and nurturing her 10 children impecuniously. She was repellent towards my grandpa who gambled away his fortune, leaving the family indigently helpless.

The fortune that my grandpa gambled away could have let his children lived off as "少爷小姐" (Young master and mistress) back at their time. Deplorably, they were not  fortunate to live a life that way.

Even though grandma seemed to bear grudges over the incident, she was relent and magnanimous to my grandpa. What's more, they shared the same bed for more than half a century, that was the feeling that cannot be obliterated.

Grandpa left us at the year of 2005, and I'm afraid the same path for grandma never seems so far.
She was in coma in Dec 2009 due to a stroke which I came to know about it by a message received from my cousin after my supposed-to-be a spunky day out with friends at the cinema to watch Twilight.

Since now, there is no sign of improvement to her illness, instead, her condition exacerbate which plunged my family into a state of melancholiness and grievance. My meagre grandma is a far cry from the once plumpy and bubbly lady.

Grandma celebrating her 76 years old birthday

I missed her laughter, crying, chiding..... and the reminiscence of everything little things about her made me somber.

How I wish that she will wake up and move about the way she was. How I wish she berate me for my wrongdoings. How I wish she can drive me to pasar to have breakfast.
How I wish............

What I fathom is, Life is short, cherish the people around you.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Chocolate pound cake with frosting

I just simply loves food that are made with chocolate and I admit that I'm a true 'Chocoholic', and perhaps that is due to the additives that chocolates contain.

Chocolate pound cake is one of my favourite cake as it can be served warm or cold. Preferably, I like to microwave the cake and eat it warm. Yummy!

There are tons of recipe out there and this is one of my methods to bake it and it's super easy!

Melt butter and chocolate together

Beat eggs with brown sugar and vanilla essence till light and fluffy.

Stir in melted chocolate mixture.

Sift in flour, cocoa powder and baking powder into the chocolate mixture. Mix well.
Sent it into the oven and bake for 20-25mins at 175C.

Unfrosted chocolate cake.

Cake with chocolate frosting.

A slice of  cake

As for the cake, it's a little dry and maybe I gotta add milk to moist it up!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Maple syrup butter crepe

I always love to cook delicious food for my family, and I'll be racking up my brains to think of what I can whip up for them.

As usual, my brothers are sleeping like hog and before they astir from bed, I'd to prepare breakfast for them. What a good sister I am!

All right, as for today breakfast menu, it was maple syrup crepe! Not too filling and 'heavy' but substantial for for the whole morning.

It was a pretty fast process and you can got it done in less than 30 mins!

Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar into a large bowl.

Pour in melted butter, beaten eggs and milk into the dry ingredients.

Mix till you get a smooth batter.

Preheat the pan and pour in a small scoop of batter.

With the fastest speed, swirl the batter into a thin layer around the pan. We want the crepe to go as thin as it can so that it tastes crispy. As you can see from the picture, I weren't doing a nice job.

Swirled in maple syrup and add butter.

Fold it into a cone shape, and there you go!

Crispy maple syrup butter crepe!


I got to say it- My father is the best father ever!

It's Fathers' day tomorrow, and I'm feeling quite a bit guilty and unfilial as his daughter. He did all the housechores from cleaning the floor, laundry and wiping the windows, and yet I was a bum that knock off from all these chores.

What's more, he prepared the dinner for family. Literally, my dad is a chef and he cooks well, which left us no worries for a sumptuous and mouthwatering dinner!

Unroasted Char siew chicken

Glossy roasted char siew chicken! Yums!

Dad satisfied with his roasted chicken!

A complete set!

Candlelight dinner

Danny brother looked satisfied with Dad's chicken!

5 Stars for the quality!

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Happy Fathers' Day cake for Daddy!

Fathers' day is around the corner, which in the case for Singapore is 2 more days.
There I was, contriving of what I can give to my dad and it's gonna be something that had significant meaning and I'm adept at.

Hmmm... after much cogitation... it will be durian cake!
My dad simply loves durians and I'm inherited these distinctive gustatory sensation after him.

I'm not sure whether my luck was running out from a lucky day yesterday, that I'm extremely hapless today. Nothing seemed to work out my way... :(

Firstly, my whole untightened bottle of whipping cream toppled out from the fridge and spilled all over the floor and the fridge. I was chided by my mum to scour every corner clean.
As those who bake often, whipping cream is very oily as it contains fats and there was no way to refurbish without detergent.

I was a little fortunate to left some for my durian filling, but as for my decoration with whipping cream on the surface of the cake was laid bare.

Secondly, my EP-1 function was set to default which was not directed to IS (image stabiliser). Thus, most of my image went blurry.

To my disappointment, this cake looked.....

I used half of the durian filling to glaze the cake, and after sift the surface of the cake with confectioner's sugar.


Vanilla Sponge Cake
Sift cake flour, salt, baking powder and milk powder together.

Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and beat the yolks with sugar till light and fluffy.

Add in oil, water and vanilla to the egg yolk mixture.

Fold in the dry inngredients

Fold in stiff peak whites into the wet ingredients

Bake at 175C for 35-40 mins

Durian Filling
Remove the flesh from the durian

Skimmed off the 'leftover' flesh on the seeds

Pour in the whipping cream and mix.

Cut the cake horizontally into half and spread the durian filling.

That's all for now. Wish all  fathers- A happy Father's Day!


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