Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chocolate lava cake

Before I should start an entry on chocolate lava cake, I wanted to make use of this channel for me to voice out my thoughts and feeling.

Yesterday was my birthday, BUT it was the worst birthday that I ever had.

The problem lays with my mum, she just throw her tantrum and issued people death penalty without giving a concrete reason.


I'm not praising myself here, I've been very obedient, never try to be at the least of rebellious.
Personally, I feel that she should cherish the people around her and put herself in other people's shoes.
I've to bow down to my father's tolerance to her temper. Now, I truely feels what my father has 'suffered'.


All right, I'll stop all these emotional stuffs.

Presenting Chocolate Lava cake.

From its name, you know that it's a cake that have 'something' that flows out. That 'something' isn't an intention to place a piece of chocolate in the middle of the cake and let it melt so that it has that flow out effect. That effect in this case is dependent importantly on the timing of baking.

Place butter, chocolate and salt in a bowl.

Place it in the double-boiler till the butter totally melts.

 Let the mixture sets aside to cool.

Add in sugar and vanilla essence to the eggs

Egg mixture should look pale and fluffy.

Add in the chocolate mixture to the egg mixture

Sift in flour to the chocolate-egg mixture

Do not overmix!

Pour batter into ramekins- For my case, I do not have any ramekins at home, thus I'd found something similar and bake it for 10mins at 218C.

Freshly baked chocolate lava cake

Decorate and serves it with whipped cream

The center of the cake flow out- so rich and yummy!


Starbucks time!

There's a best saying that food can really make ones happy!

I'd treated Apple for a Starbucks drink which she ordered a white chocolate mocha and I ordered a Green tea frappe. Nice but too sweet for me!

Camwhore time!

Apple with her drinks

It's my turn!

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