Saturday, March 20, 2010

Apple pie

My mum had bought lotsa apples and filled up the remaining spaces in the fridge. To refrain those juicy apples from rotting and wasting them,  I made apple pie!


My first attempt at baking an apple pie was when I'm 15 years old which was accomplished with my secondary school clique. Well, not really 'accomplished', a decent word to describe is  'completed'. The pastry shell was not very successful but the filling taste ok.


After 5 years, I decided to bake it one more time based on my memory to make the apple pie filling since I do not have any recipe for it.

For the pastry, I used puff pastry method adapted from a book. I did not give a 100% assurance whether my pie will turn out to be a success cos' the filling was merely executed based on passed memory which was 5 years ago :P

 Man, I have the guts!


Pastry shell

Sift equal portions of cake and bread flour

Add in sugar and salt. Lightly mixed them into the flour.

Add in milk and water into the flour mixture.

Add in unsalted butter.

Rub butter into the flour

Shapes it into a round dough and let it stands in the fridge for 30mins.

Take the dough out from the fridge after 30 mins and roll it flat.

Place a piece of flattened butter on the middle of the dough.

Enclosed the butter and sealed the edges of the dough.

Roll it out horizontally.

Fold the dough in a letter way.

Continue rolling.

Fold in the way which both ends meet in the center. This method of folding is called book folding.

Place it in the fridge for 40mins. Repeat the process once.

Apple pie fillings

Let me introduce my assistant for the day- Apple!

Haha, it's just the right time to make apple pie cos' Apple is making apple pie! Sounds rhyme?


Apple cutting up apples

Strain out  juice from some chopped up apples and set aside the remaining chunks.

Pour in  apple juice and turn the heat to the lowest.

Add in apples to the pot.

Add in sugar. I estimated on the amount of sugar added. :P

Spices is of the essence for making apple pie fillings. Without them, the apple pie is a FAILURE!

Add in ground cinnamon.

Add in ground nutmeg

Add in a tiny bit of ginger powder.

For the proportion- Cinnamon was added most, followed by nutmeg and lastly, ground ginger.

During the process of cooking the filling, I sensed that there was short of 1 taste. Tada! It's the sourish taste that 'harmonized' with the sweetness.

I was damn lucky that there was 1 lemon left in the fridge ^^

Add in lemon juice. Let the filling cook on low heat till 80% of the juice dry up. The remaining juice is important during baking as some of the moisture will evaporate.

Roll out the dough and cut out 2 circles- 1 for the base and 1 for the top which covers the fillings.

Fill up the base with apple fillings

Cover the filling with another circle of dough.

I'd made some simple decoration to the top of the pie. Send it for baking at 175C for 20-25mins.

Without flash

Looks nicer with flash.



My birthday presents from dear friends

Makeup stuffs from YM.

Nice dress from Audrey. Loves.

Nice to have friends that accompany me through ups and downs.



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