Monday, September 13, 2010

U can watch M18 bro!

It's my 1st younger brother's birthday tomorrow but my family celebrated it in advance for him since he had his own celebration with his friends on the actual day.

Of course, the plan of concocting a birthday cake for him couldn't be eluded.
It was a fairly simple celebration with a cake which I baked for him- no big feast or a big party throw. Pretty sad but he didn't demand much.

I was a quick whip up before rushing for my tutoring- Dark choclate cake.

The BD boy :)

With Mum and Dad

With youngest bro- "Don don zai", being vain in Edmund's pink jacket

Both handsome boys

Make a wish


His 1st taste in reply, "Hmm... got standard!" :)

A slice of dark chocolate cake

Digressing... been very busy with school stuffs lately. Lotsa drawings, creative drawing, assignments, project, etc.

What is making me moping is Western art history which I can't even comprehend a slightest of it and with a 3 AU, I'm expected to spend the most on the compulsory reading- the textbook which costs a bomb of $75 for a year study. *Insane*.

With other expenditure on arts materials, it going to make me utterly impecunious. So far, I spent >$100 solely on the basic materials, more have to come. It's true when you enter arts-related course, you've to be well-to-do or even better, opulent. :(

It's just only the beginning, juggling with school and work (tutoring) which literally driving me nuts, left me with scarce time to rest .
That's the point, I'm indigent and I've to work and suppport myself to purchase school necessities, and to ladle my load, I need a Macbook Pro for my 2nd year.- Slog on to save $$$.

Life sucks, no life for me!

The only way to vent out my bottled emotion and liberate from the competition in this brute society is BAKING and COOKING!

My recent cooking escapades

My fav of Ipoh's pasar malam Apom. Will not be tantalized by it  since I can make it at home now!

Guess what's this?
One of my fav Nyonya kueh- Kueh Salat!

Each cost about 80 cents at Bengawan Solo but I can save up alotssssss..... with homemade one which I made about >20 pieces with low 'production' cost.

Got to knock off soon... daily lesson starts at 8.30am... Panda eyes, panda eyes and more panda eyes!

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