Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Buns of my life!

I truely heart buns/breads, and to accentuate, I can't live without breads.
It has become my daily staple other than rice, and I'm insanely infatuated by it! :)

Impromptu, I made 13 assorted buns in the late evening which I supposed to be resting in my bed when I have to astir for school every morning at 5.40 a.m. Told you, I was mad about breads. *winks*

Tuna buns

Classic sausage twisted bun

My favourite of all- 菠萝包 (custard bun) that goes well with a cup of smooth HK milk tea for early birds.
It's gonna be my breakfast tomorrow!

 It's my 2nd day of school (starting of proper lesson at 2nd week, 1st week is the commencement of freshmen orientation).
I need to vent out!

It's pretty exasperating when the lecturers who couldn't make it/cancelled their lesson did not make any notice to the students, and we (students) have to scamper for school for NOTHING! :(

There again, we supposed to have a lesson at 4.30pm, previous lesson is from 8.30am to12.30pm (which was cancelled due to unknown reason, and all of us stayed till 9.30am before getting our butts off the chairs).

There's a 4 hours break in between. To add oil to fire, the lecturer for 4.30pm lesson did not make known for us that class was cancelled. All of us remained unheralded till another class students reminded us about that. Absolutely ridiculous!!!


1st day of school went well for my 4D class, and I was introduced to 4D.
Majority of my classmates have arts background, either from animations or visual communication-related or even photography.

To state the truth, I'm the only ex-science students in the class. *ostracism * :(

Homework for 4D class was given on the 1st day that was based on a depicting portrait with a given incomplete theme using photography as a medium. I've a certain of concepts to it but not sure whether it works.

Tomorrow's lesson will be having Western art history and *2D lesson*. Anticipating cos there'll be a nude model for us to sketch!  Pls.... it's gonna be real human flesh not mannequin. Leer, leer, leer. * Hees...*

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