Friday, September 24, 2010

Pineapple tart

Uni life has been very hectic and I've been M-I-A for 8 days due to the overwhelming assignments.
Rambling on my course, I really love what I'm learning at school. :)

Even though the foundation year for my course is a bit boring and dry, but in contrast to what my friends are learning in Science and engineering, I'm considered as felicitous.

Friends have been struggling with incomprehensible mathematical and scientific theories that are way too profound.
I'm relieved that I did not choose back my BMS for my degree.

Recent bake

Morsel of  pineapple tarts

I bought the pineapple filling from supermarket and it is fast and easy!'

Foundation drawing class is fun! I had my biggest scare for last week class cos I'd seen the1st ever big C*** in my 20 years of life.

Next week will be going to zoo to draw landscape and animals, surely will be another exciting day!

And, please! No more Western art history for me, I hate it!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rich butter cake

My family fancy richer taste and it gotta be rich chocolate cake (their fav) , rich durian cake and even rich butter cake! Everything have to be added with a rich to entice them.

This time, I did not bake rich butter cake on purpose for them but someone else. It's part of a reciprocation and appreciation for that someone who succour in times when I needed help.

Recipe (makes 15cm cake)

  • 140g butter, softened to room temperature
  • 3 eggs, separate egg yolks and white
  • 130g brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 160g all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
  • 25ml milk
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder

  1. Preheat oven to 170C. Grease and line a 15cm cake pan.
  2. Beat butter and sugar till light and fluffy. Add in egg yolk one at a time till each addition is well-corporated.
  3. Add in milk and vanilla extract.
  4. Sift in flour and baking powder to the mixture. Mix well.
  5. Beat egg white with cream of tartar till soft peaks form. Fold into the butter mixture, DO NOT OVERMIX!
  6. Scoop out half of the cake batter into another bowl.
  7. Dissolve cocoa powder with adequate amount of hot water till you get a smooth paste. Add in the chocolate paste into one of the divided cake batter.
  8. Alternate the adding of normal & chocolate-added cake batter into the cake pan.
  9. Bake for 45mins or till the skewer comes out clean.

Yums but calories-ladened

There'll be a nude model for 1D drawing lesson today! *Drivel**

Monday, September 13, 2010

U can watch M18 bro!

It's my 1st younger brother's birthday tomorrow but my family celebrated it in advance for him since he had his own celebration with his friends on the actual day.

Of course, the plan of concocting a birthday cake for him couldn't be eluded.
It was a fairly simple celebration with a cake which I baked for him- no big feast or a big party throw. Pretty sad but he didn't demand much.

I was a quick whip up before rushing for my tutoring- Dark choclate cake.

The BD boy :)

With Mum and Dad

With youngest bro- "Don don zai", being vain in Edmund's pink jacket

Both handsome boys

Make a wish


His 1st taste in reply, "Hmm... got standard!" :)

A slice of dark chocolate cake

Digressing... been very busy with school stuffs lately. Lotsa drawings, creative drawing, assignments, project, etc.

What is making me moping is Western art history which I can't even comprehend a slightest of it and with a 3 AU, I'm expected to spend the most on the compulsory reading- the textbook which costs a bomb of $75 for a year study. *Insane*.

With other expenditure on arts materials, it going to make me utterly impecunious. So far, I spent >$100 solely on the basic materials, more have to come. It's true when you enter arts-related course, you've to be well-to-do or even better, opulent. :(

It's just only the beginning, juggling with school and work (tutoring) which literally driving me nuts, left me with scarce time to rest .
That's the point, I'm indigent and I've to work and suppport myself to purchase school necessities, and to ladle my load, I need a Macbook Pro for my 2nd year.- Slog on to save $$$.

Life sucks, no life for me!

The only way to vent out my bottled emotion and liberate from the competition in this brute society is BAKING and COOKING!

My recent cooking escapades

My fav of Ipoh's pasar malam Apom. Will not be tantalized by it  since I can make it at home now!

Guess what's this?
One of my fav Nyonya kueh- Kueh Salat!

Each cost about 80 cents at Bengawan Solo but I can save up alotssssss..... with homemade one which I made about >20 pieces with low 'production' cost.

Got to knock off soon... daily lesson starts at 8.30am... Panda eyes, panda eyes and more panda eyes!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Buns of my life!

I truely heart buns/breads, and to accentuate, I can't live without breads.
It has become my daily staple other than rice, and I'm insanely infatuated by it! :)

Impromptu, I made 13 assorted buns in the late evening which I supposed to be resting in my bed when I have to astir for school every morning at 5.40 a.m. Told you, I was mad about breads. *winks*

Tuna buns

Classic sausage twisted bun

My favourite of all- 菠萝包 (custard bun) that goes well with a cup of smooth HK milk tea for early birds.
It's gonna be my breakfast tomorrow!

 It's my 2nd day of school (starting of proper lesson at 2nd week, 1st week is the commencement of freshmen orientation).
I need to vent out!

It's pretty exasperating when the lecturers who couldn't make it/cancelled their lesson did not make any notice to the students, and we (students) have to scamper for school for NOTHING! :(

There again, we supposed to have a lesson at 4.30pm, previous lesson is from 8.30am to12.30pm (which was cancelled due to unknown reason, and all of us stayed till 9.30am before getting our butts off the chairs).

There's a 4 hours break in between. To add oil to fire, the lecturer for 4.30pm lesson did not make known for us that class was cancelled. All of us remained unheralded till another class students reminded us about that. Absolutely ridiculous!!!


1st day of school went well for my 4D class, and I was introduced to 4D.
Majority of my classmates have arts background, either from animations or visual communication-related or even photography.

To state the truth, I'm the only ex-science students in the class. *ostracism * :(

Homework for 4D class was given on the 1st day that was based on a depicting portrait with a given incomplete theme using photography as a medium. I've a certain of concepts to it but not sure whether it works.

Tomorrow's lesson will be having Western art history and *2D lesson*. Anticipating cos there'll be a nude model for us to sketch!  Pls.... it's gonna be real human flesh not mannequin. Leer, leer, leer. * Hees...*

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Her BIG day!

A young lady marked by juvenile, in her world,  innocent and uncorrupted yet complicated.
2 days ago was her big day, and yes, it's her 22nd birthday.

Having to know this young lady for 3 1/2 years, she is my buddy and soulmate which we plodded through our 3 years in Ngee Ann Poly and of course, our laborious FYP together.

Sometimes, we did have dissension and bleak times during FYP but afterall, she is the only one which I can confide in and bonded with.
FYP partners resembles a pair of chopsticks, they have to work together hand in hand.

In 2010, we'd graduated from Ngee Ann Poly which marked our separation and beginning for the embarkment of new journey. Our earnest endeavour concerted had earned us a place in NTU :)
I'm in the arts, while she's in the engineering stream.

Together with Audrey, this was one of her happy days in 2010.

Dark chocolate cake which I baked for the birthday girl.

With a cute pinkish 'strawberry' cake box.

Cake at the ready for celebration!

Dinner @ Ion Orchard Soup Spoon

My order- caesar salad

Audrey's order- Roast duck wrap with thick & creamy mushroom soup

Birthday girl's order- Tuna sandwich with beef goulash soup (If I'm not wrong)

Birthday girl- Yiming!

Me and Yiming

Taking turns to take picture with the birthday girl

Aud and me

Sauntering @ Marina

My very 'jialat' pose

@ Helix Bridge


Bloating our oily face while walking back to the previous place for cake cutting!


Elated to hear that both of them enjoyed my cake!

Huifang, my 'Pangsehs' clique will be going to USA for a 6 month long working trip. Along with the other 'Pangsehs' except Kaixin, we hold a temporary farewell party at Funan Minds Cafe. Too bad that I didn't bring my camera.

Surprisingly, boisterous Lynette was there too and she was in her usual way, exchanging retorts with Eunice and the others were gagging with their hilarious banter. Glad that she is enjoying her motherhood.

Our next meeting will be 6 months times, a long wayyyyyy.... :(


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