Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Last post of 2010?

I'm blogging with a heavy heart, and it's due to the fact that I'm turning 21 in 3 days time. People tends to say that when a person reach 21, they will be getting fast to 30.

That's true, and I feel that I'm getting older each year! Oh please, my resolution for 2011 is to stay young forever and the end of the world in 2012 is never gonna happen! *Pray hard*

I knew that I'm kinda late for updating my post on Christmas celebration, but it's better than never right?

Christmas Eve celebration @ West Coast Park 

Christmas celebration @ Bishan

Recent bake- Cookie and cream muffins for bestie!

Mum's cooking 

 Kueh Dadar 

 Chinese Herbal Jelly-Gui ling gao

 A tantalizing photo to end the post!

"满汉全席". Haha!

Good bye 2010 and welcome 2011!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Black sesame chiffon cake

There wasn't any butter left in the fridge, nor there was any whipping cream. And lying there inside my secret 'chamber' of the fridge was a packet of black sesame powder.

Yes! I can make something without butter, and there I searched through the internet for recipe.
This is the link which I found that sounds enticing- Black sesame chiffon cake.

A imperfection marked by folly. 

My family isn't fond of black sesame but it still tastes good! Hmm... Soft and fluffy!

My 1st ever character design.

Introducing MRS SQUARE!

Also my 1st attempt on editing the painting using photoshop element. Pardon my amateurish skill!
Originally painted with watercolour, and Mrs Square was left untouched which the editing was done only on the background.

Background of Mrs Square

A typical housewife who goes law-by-law. She will never violate any rules and laws. Her only hobby was taking care of her family and serve her husband 'faithfully'. Once in a while she'll doll up herself by shopping clothes at near-by wet market. She is proud of her haggling skill, cos every cent to her is worth a million.

I gave her name as "Mrs Square" because I wanted her to be a stringent, stiff and outlandish auntie, characterized by her appearance of having squarish face and rigid movement.

Another artwork
This watercolour painting was done for 2D final assignment, no post-editing applied. Mr Ng said that it resembles image of Batman, even though it is a bird :(

It wasn't perfect and impressive though, but more effort will be put in for future work! Discipline is important....! :)

Will continue to post up more of my characters! :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

What's my future?

ADM has sent an email regarding the choice of major which takes effect in my second year but i'm suppose to give a confirmation by 28 jan 2011. Yes, I'm left with a month to make a critical choice of where I'm heading towards in future- My 1st 3 choices are Viscom, Animation and film.

I'm seriously paranoid of which I should choose as my first choice. 
Firstly, I love something to do with motion which left me with Animation and film. But choosing film will detach me from drawing which I do not wish to.

Animation is something in between, which serves as the best choice as it satisfy my criteria of motion and drawing. But think about the animation market in Singapore, it is too unstable and most probably, I wouldn't find any job and not even to mention earn big money.

Viscom is so-called the 'safest' choice since graphic design is the basic of all arts but it doesn't satisfy my yearn for motion.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! I'm totally lost!

Can I take all these 3 choices :(

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm a free bird now!

I have survived semester 1!
After the completion of a pile of assignments and nerve breaking Western art history,  everyone can catch a breath finally. *Phew*.
Hmmm.... I wonder how will I fare for my exam. If can score a 'B', i'm quite happy already -.-

Some charcoal drawings to share, completed in semester 1

A portrait sculpture 

I don't know how to what's this pose, maybe a man dying in agony :X

I love his ass....

My drawing isn't that impressive, but I'll strive to improve on it! :)

I've been neglecting my 'root' of this blog- a food blog which I initially started out to share my cooking escapades.
Now, It turns out to be a food+art blog... Interesting! Anyway, I will not abandon my love for cooking and art too!

Last photo of delectable Hong Kong style french toast with maple syrup!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Marilyn, mona and me!

Assignments are stacking up lately, and my energy is totally sucked off from the hectic timetable.

Nevertheless, I still want to strike for perfection for my assignments. 
Just like what one of my lecturer has said, " You have to take pride in your work."

His words really strike me, and that's true when you strive for success. Cheesy and effortless works should just be tear off. 

Back to my assignment, I'm quite pleased of what I've done for foundation drawing final project.

Marilyn, mona and me 

Lead pencils on A2 drawing paper

It enervated me for a whole Sunday, totally time consuming.
This fusion of distorted imitation of Mona Lisa and Marilyn Monroe in me is plainly superficial- Be as sexy and beautiful as Marilyn, be as famous forever as Mona Lisa. 
But I do not want to be like her, trapped in that plain landscape eternally.

Thus, I 'bought' myself a "all-way" ticket where I can travel all over the world, which basically is my dream!

I was conscious that it wasn't a perfect one, but at least I've tried my best. 
I'll set a target for myself, and I'll definitely train myself to be pro enough to draw portraits that can be mistaken for photos! 


It's baking escapade!
This time it's chocolate raisin muffins, and similarly to the previous attempt, no actual recipe is followed. Outcome of the taste is based on experience, hees.... *satisfactory*



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