Saturday, May 1, 2010

Out on a venture at Ipoh Part 2!

Oh Gosh! Onsugar is really impeding on my blogging. Can anyone please fix this problem?!

All right, I'll continue on part 2 from which I'd stopped at Part 1

Egg tart

'Raw' Fried rice =生炒饭

Springy sea cucumber

Fried shrimp
Personally, Singapore is more ambrosial for Dim Sum and this beats M'sia! :)

Old town white coffee- Here we were at one of  the branches.

Jacky brought out his lappy for free WIFI usage


May- Slim down much after admittance into NS.

Rootbeer float

Mocha white coffee ice blend

Jacky's favourite- A 'must order' for him whenever he patronizes Old Town.

Watched "飞女正传" with jacky's lappy while munching on the fries and slurping our drinks.
A shaggy big ass woman on the screen

Transform into this hot chic with supernatural power which she gained after kissing a guy.
 Another comical TVB drama :)

Dining out at Kon Shong near Greentown area.


Mushroom soup with toasted garlic bread

Main course- Mexican chicken cutlet that has a tang of sweet, sour and spicy flavour.

Black pepper chicken

End of super long post~
Gonna start work tomorrow :)

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