Sunday, May 22, 2011

Food for a day!

Cousins came back from USA and it was an anticipating moment as their arrivals left me expectation of a treat!

We had some tea time at Imperial Treasure located at Taka. :)

Our first dish served- Freshly baked flaky pastry with BBQ pork fillings. Yums!


Chee Cheong Fun with fresh "springy" shrimps

My Favourite of all- 流沙包

Look at the rich creamy salted egg custard oozing out! So tantalizing!

Fried cake? I have no idea what's that :P

You can tell that the food is delicious!

A table full of food!

Everyone was stuffed!

Food journey had not terminated there...

Next journey- TGIF at Orchard with Poly friends, a farewell dinner held for Aud who will be departing to Aussie for studies. 

More cam-whoring session!

My order- Chicken Caesar salad which costs a bomb- $23+ inclusive of GST and other charges :(

Aud's Fish n Chips. I bet she'll be sick of it after her stay in Aussie for a year.

Ming's Salmon pasta. The best of our order! Creamy but not too rich:)

Our next "Stop"- Drink@ TGIF which is exactly below at level 1 where we had our dinner.

Nice ambience.

My complexion sucks that day- a pimple on my nose and my face was glittering with oil :( I need facial.

Good luck to Aud for her studies in Aussie and hopes that everything is smooth sailing for her! Ming flying back to China today and it''ll be next year when she meets Aud again. As for me, I'll stay put in Singapore and meet up with Aud again on the day of her flight.

Everything comes and goes easily. Cherish them while they're still around:)

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