Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2

I seldom watch movies as my mum always complains that's a waste of money.
To that, I will dissent since I feel that movie is an entertainment that loosen up one's tenses and open up your mind to all possibility and imagination. Nothing is impossible in movies, what you name and it can be done!

Managed to catch Kung Fu Panda 2 with cousin and aunt, and I really laughed my head off! This is what I called the magic of animation. Presented in 3D, the scenes were rendered realistically and every movements and visions were sent to capture the attention of every people in the cinema.

This movie is freaking awesome!
 How I wish I can produce such superb quality animation :)
Next movie to catch- Transformer 3!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Food for a day!

Cousins came back from USA and it was an anticipating moment as their arrivals left me expectation of a treat!

We had some tea time at Imperial Treasure located at Taka. :)

Our first dish served- Freshly baked flaky pastry with BBQ pork fillings. Yums!


Chee Cheong Fun with fresh "springy" shrimps

My Favourite of all- 流沙包

Look at the rich creamy salted egg custard oozing out! So tantalizing!

Fried cake? I have no idea what's that :P

You can tell that the food is delicious!

A table full of food!

Everyone was stuffed!

Food journey had not terminated there...

Next journey- TGIF at Orchard with Poly friends, a farewell dinner held for Aud who will be departing to Aussie for studies. 

More cam-whoring session!

My order- Chicken Caesar salad which costs a bomb- $23+ inclusive of GST and other charges :(

Aud's Fish n Chips. I bet she'll be sick of it after her stay in Aussie for a year.

Ming's Salmon pasta. The best of our order! Creamy but not too rich:)

Our next "Stop"- Drink@ TGIF which is exactly below at level 1 where we had our dinner.

Nice ambience.

My complexion sucks that day- a pimple on my nose and my face was glittering with oil :( I need facial.

Good luck to Aud for her studies in Aussie and hopes that everything is smooth sailing for her! Ming flying back to China today and it''ll be next year when she meets Aud again. As for me, I'll stay put in Singapore and meet up with Aud again on the day of her flight.

Everything comes and goes easily. Cherish them while they're still around:)

Friday, May 20, 2011

My first digital portrait (feat. Gillian Chung)

It's probably my 1st time drawing a portrait with a tablet, and now I am hook on digital drawing!

Gillian Chung Digital portrait

Reference image:

It was much easier to start out with a better quality and less complicated image. I wasn't too particular about the details but focus on the colour theory to bring out different tones on the skin. I knew that it wasn't perfect, as for the composition wise as her head in the actual image was more tilted to the left.

More digital painting for practices! Practice makes perfect!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bankin Walnut muffins

Bankin in my language is a combination of banana and pumpkins, creative right?

It's part of my experimental escapades, and I kept on praying hard that it'll come out well as it bakes.
Well, I was quite satisfy with the level of sweetness and the texture of the cake. :)

It was the first time which I replaced sugar with sweet condensed milk to give a more creamy taste, and it turned out better than I expected! :)

The moon is so round and it just seems like the right time for a muffin :)

It's ugly, plain, unappealing..etc, but it's tasty!

Since this is an experimental concoction, measurements aren't not jotted down :(
Probably will try to keep a good habit to write down the recipe!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A belated Birthday

It's a blessing to meet up with old mates whom I have known for 8 good years!
None of us have change much except for our looks, probably a sad case when we are getting older and thus the need of more rescue from facial!

We had a great time at Plaza Singapura and it was my first time trying food at Manhattan Fish Market. The meal was sumptuous and I was really thankful to my best sec mates for treating me meals and a belated mud cake! :) It was simply relishing and a satisfactory meal to have the company of good friends!:)

A $15.90+ meal, a treat from Rachel.
I love both the drinks and the soup. There are squids inside the soup and it tastes very different from other creamy soups. Super size frizzy Cala-cala is a thirst-quenching drink that MUST order!

Seafood Aglio

Hui Mei's chicken oglio

Chocolate mud cake. Ice cream on the outer and the creamy muddy chocolate mousse enclosed by the ice-cream.

Purchased Brandt Pore no more blackhead extractor. I'm really tormented by my enlarged pores stuffed with gross blackheads! 

Belated Presents from Besties!

Will be meeting up soon with Aud and Ming! Looking forward to it:)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Chocolate Fondant

Chocolate fondant is a highly requested dessert from my family and after a break of not making it, I was prompted by them again to satisfy their craving.

I was quite concerned at first contemplating on my skills will deteriorate or not after a period of  time of detachment from it.

But I was quite pleased that my skill is still there and the cake dismount out of the bowl nicely, and still, the chocolate lava did flow out from it! :)

Perhaps a bigger challenge for me next time!

Ohh... Some random thoughts- Good luck to me for Western art history exam! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My first stop-motion setting

Phew* I had gotten over with other assignments and exams are the only burdens left to deal with.

The last assignment is completed but critics not done over for it. Nevertheless, some images to show my 1st proudly completed stop-motion setting!

Title: Creepy nursery room
A chaotic setting

An intimidated naked human chained to the wall. Can you see his "kuku"?

A tearing reindeer. Well, it's supposed to be a reindeer which ended up looking like a normal deer. :(

A blood-stained mirror and a family portrait. Take note of the family portrait and you'll understand part of the story for my setting. :)


Creepy soft toys

Cracked floor with bloody demonic hands stretching for you!

More bloody scenes!

Some nasty furnitures

Dismembered limbs on the table, set on top of the carpet. Guess who's sleeping inside the canopy?

The protagonist- Demon baby in his coffin bed reaching for his rotating pork knuckles.

More stopmotion will be coming up for year 2!


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