Monday, August 1, 2011

Another year & another best wishes for u!

It's Mum's birthday yesterday and coincidentally fell on the first day of Chinese's hungry ghost festival. A superstitious belief in chinese culture that one should not celebrate anything like birthday during that festival as it may unknowingly invite some "friends" from the Nether world.
Try to relate birthday candles to wax candles that are offered to the "friends".....

 Ok. It's sending chills down my spine and I should stop here.

As simple and low-profile as possible, I just treated my mum a sumptuous Thai meal & made a cake for her. And of course, I have made a combination of her favourite- Cheese & chocolate! :)

Chocolate Cream cheese cake 

The cake came out as much as I expect it to be with a slight crack and imperfection (I deliberately frame  that out) due to a minor glitch with my trashy spring-fold pan. 
Such predicaments are inevitable and solutions are to be undertaken.

But, I did win acclaim for the taste. My family simply just love it!

Loves Mum for her unrequited love and hope that my family will stay healthy & happy!


I'm Sooo...oooo going to participate a painting competition held by Singapore's water colour society. It is organized by SIngapore's water colour society.

Though the prize is not very appealing, but from my view is not just the apparent side of award. For me, it's the process and how much I realize that painting is not dabbling hobby. 

It requires a lot of contemplation to come up with a composition that leads the viewers' eyes and also never to forget the importance of how each colour concerted harmoniously.

Since it is the first competition which I'll be taking part in, I'll treat it as the first stepping stone to a bigger room of improvement. 

Each step I progress, is a step nearer to achievement! :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Countdown to a new sem & recent bakes!

I'm much excited that I'll be back in school in 2 weeks time. The following semester will most likely be the hectic days of my life since it is the REAL start of something useful.

I am anticipated to expose myself to the actual, more hands-on and industrially demanded animation skills!

Talking back on my life.
I always find that every encounter that I had or any situation which I'd in, has been very unfair to me. All right, I am way too fortuitous as compared to the physically disabled, or people who are ladened with financial burdens. But in comparison to the people around my age and also peers in my social circle, I was also the "shuei"one.

The most recent encounter that traumatize me is course registration. I sign into the system on the dot and it requested me to sign in again due to exceeding time limit for access. It was because of the difference of 0.1s, class holds in the morning were fully occupied and I was forced to take night class for Wed which ends at darned 10.30 pm. And that means that I can only reach home at midnight 0000 hrs!

My second complaint:
Now I am working in an unrelated industry, a 5 days/week office job which I'm compel to practise skills for Microsoft Excel instead of Adobe softwares! I had applied for job vacancy as art teacher in hope for some exposures to arts, but failed to get it and ended up in my current job.

As cliche as it is, life is full of ups and downs for ME! I've been making detours in my life and it is like karma that keeps going on.

Digressing.... Something to cheer you and me up. :)

Food makes me happy! And tomorrow will be a happy day!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Double happiness

The Lau brothers held their blissful wedding on the 6/6/11 which coincidentally fell on the same day but different year as their younger brother's wedding.

I was never left out for such events in order to take nice photos. The journey to Ipoh was tedious, but it wasn't really a problem to me to travel there and delay my start work day. What matters is the happiness and joyous moment that all the members in the family get to share and unite together!

Those days just happened in a glance and everything now go back to normal. How I wish that everyday can be as happy as that!

Day 1- 5/6/11
Early morning preparation for the groom to fetch the bride from her house.

Hairstylist and makeup artist 

 Reached Bride's house at Kampar

 I'm not having anything up my sleeves, it's just a pity if I don't make them into magazine covers.

This is the most awesome part- banana game!

Small dick... haha!

Tea ceremony in the afternoon

It happened to be Raymond's birthday on that day, cake was bought by Carmen sis on which written was Happy Anniversary, Birthday & Wedding. Creativity scored!

A happy night for him... :)

Wedding banquet  on 6/6/11- A glamorous night!

It's quite depressing that I can't attend my female cousin, Louise, on 18-19 Nov 2011. I was bounded by exams and I was particularly sad with what  I have gotten for my animation modules. 

Tomorrow will be a better day!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2

I seldom watch movies as my mum always complains that's a waste of money.
To that, I will dissent since I feel that movie is an entertainment that loosen up one's tenses and open up your mind to all possibility and imagination. Nothing is impossible in movies, what you name and it can be done!

Managed to catch Kung Fu Panda 2 with cousin and aunt, and I really laughed my head off! This is what I called the magic of animation. Presented in 3D, the scenes were rendered realistically and every movements and visions were sent to capture the attention of every people in the cinema.

This movie is freaking awesome!
 How I wish I can produce such superb quality animation :)
Next movie to catch- Transformer 3!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Food for a day!

Cousins came back from USA and it was an anticipating moment as their arrivals left me expectation of a treat!

We had some tea time at Imperial Treasure located at Taka. :)

Our first dish served- Freshly baked flaky pastry with BBQ pork fillings. Yums!


Chee Cheong Fun with fresh "springy" shrimps

My Favourite of all- 流沙包

Look at the rich creamy salted egg custard oozing out! So tantalizing!

Fried cake? I have no idea what's that :P

You can tell that the food is delicious!

A table full of food!

Everyone was stuffed!

Food journey had not terminated there...

Next journey- TGIF at Orchard with Poly friends, a farewell dinner held for Aud who will be departing to Aussie for studies. 

More cam-whoring session!

My order- Chicken Caesar salad which costs a bomb- $23+ inclusive of GST and other charges :(

Aud's Fish n Chips. I bet she'll be sick of it after her stay in Aussie for a year.

Ming's Salmon pasta. The best of our order! Creamy but not too rich:)

Our next "Stop"- Drink@ TGIF which is exactly below at level 1 where we had our dinner.

Nice ambience.

My complexion sucks that day- a pimple on my nose and my face was glittering with oil :( I need facial.

Good luck to Aud for her studies in Aussie and hopes that everything is smooth sailing for her! Ming flying back to China today and it''ll be next year when she meets Aud again. As for me, I'll stay put in Singapore and meet up with Aud again on the day of her flight.

Everything comes and goes easily. Cherish them while they're still around:)


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