Sunday, November 28, 2010

Busy weekssss.....

Been ladened down with loads of assignments lately and I have been deprived of my beauty sleep! Arghh...!

Exam week is coming close and everyone is burying their heads under books and burning midnight oils for revision.

I'm considered as lucky since I only have assignments, but this heap of assignments is heavy enough to kill me! This explains why I was MIA in few weeks. :(

The most time and effort consuming assignment should be 4D.
I was given a genre of action with frying pan as the main object to be appeared in the film. As for the narration, each of us in a group was assigned to write down what sentences/words that came across their mind. Beforehand, we were not told that the sentences that we wrote were used as the narration!

Damn 'heng', my group members did not write out any peculiar and long sentences, or else I've to bless for myself.

Random updates for my 4D final assignment:

My little brother who played an important role as a zombie in my film.
He warned me umpteen times not to post it up on FB, I adhere to his warning, but I did not tell him that I was going to post it on my blog.
Yup, I know that the make-up looked kinda fake, but it's the best which I can made out of gelatin powder, toilet paper, cocoa powder, red food colouring, cornstarch and some makeup stuffs.

I supposed to buy liquid latex but MUF HQ did not open for business on Sun, which left me with no choice to use those crude materials.

Sorry for causing pimples on your face, bro! And I have to say a BIG thank-you to all my brothers who helped out in my filming to a success!

After 13 Dec, I'll be a free bird to embrace Christmas!!! 

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