Friday, February 12, 2010

Ipoh, I'm COMING!

Tomorrow is Chinese New Year Eve, and all the chinese will be having their reunion dinner with their dearest family. This day holds a very special meaning for me since it's allow all family to come together and feel the warmth of kinship, and most of all I'll be having me reunion dinner in IPOH!

Grandma will be very happy if she knows that all of us are coming back to celebrate CNY with her :)


To mark this exultancy, I've treated myself well by buying nice chio CNY clothes!

The photos aren't doing justice to these clothes, they do look nicEee, ok!

I've bought accessories to match these clothes which I'll not be posting any pictures. Just a few pieces of super ordinary accessories ;P


Since I'll be going to Ipoh to meet my mum and relatives, I'd intended to make 流沙包 (Liu Sha Bao) for them. 流沙包 is a typical Hong Kong dim sum and is a cousin of 奶黄包 ( custard bao).

No pictures of step-by-step processes for this time, cos 'm too busy preparing stuffs for Ipoh trip. Not to disappoint, there're pictures for the end products

Look at the custard filling flowing out, so 爆浆!Just like the meat balls in Stephen Chow's movies- The God Of Cookery


Alright, i'll end my post here. Bon Voyage to me!

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