Saturday, February 26, 2011

undesirable result

I was reminded by my friend's status that the result for my major selection has released. Much to my disappointment, I was given the second choice- Digital animation.

My first choice is viscom but I wasn't lucky enough to get what I want. My non-art background and failed portfolio deprived me from my passion. Other than the aforementioned reasons, my dwindling chance of getting in viscom is partly due to my result.

I got 3.92 for my GPA in semester 1, but those who get into viscom have GPA more than 4.0. I was not performing up to par yet. :(

The solution is to appeal and write to the coordinator, and hope that ADM will give me a chance to study what I want. Frankly speaking, I'm not despising animation, it's just that the industry in Singapore is too small for development and even probably the worst case of me not getting any job after graduation.

Not to mention the salary, it was way too low as compared to the graphic designers and the effort which both of the fields contributed is incomparable. Yup, I was superficial, but money is really important for survival. I can definitely make my parents' and siblings' lives better if I earn more. :(

If really "bo bian", I have to stuck in the animation for 3 years! OMG?!

I really have to plan earlier and start ahead to catch up with the others.

A random picture of my mum. It's a portrait photography with my 1st attempt on photoshop editing with lots of  little retouching, liquify, whitening...etc.

I love my family but I never told them about this issue of not getting in my 1st choice. When facing them, I tried to put up a forceful smile and told them that I am happy with animation but deep down inside my heart, it's aching.

I should be optimistic, animation doesn't mean the end for me! がんばてね!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Delayed pictures

I guess, Chinese New Year was just over, yet I haven't update on the pictures which I'd taken during CNY in Ipoh. All thanks to the assignment and Western art history presentation :(

Tons of photos awaiting...

I only uploaded not even half of the loads. 200+ of pictures took during Chinese New Year was crazy!


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