Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Black sesame paste

I have  a sudden urge to make black sesame paste since the last attempt was a complete failure- too liquid and not aromatic enough.
Picking up from the point which I fell, I tried a 2nd attempt from the mistakes learned.

Wok-fry black, white sesame and peanuts at low heat till you can smell nice fragrance

Colours of white sesame and peanuts should turn golden brown

Beforehand, soaked black glutinous rice for at least 2 hours
When everything was prepared, start cooking the black sesame paste.
The secret recipe to a smooth and fragrant black sesame paste lies in

This machine does everything, from grinding, blending and cooking of the ingredients to a yummy black sesame paste.
You can cook grains and soya milk with it. Isn't AMAZING?

This machine serves its purpose for lazy or busy people (ok, I'm the BUSY one) :P
It was bought from M'sia by my Mum which cost around RM1000++. Expensive.

Nevetheless, cooking with it is fast and easy. No fuss, just spent 20 minutes waiting and there you go~Delicious dessert and healthy drinks :)

Add in pre-soaked black glutinous rice

Pour in black, white sesame and peanuts

Pour in enough water

Look at those sesame seeds floating in the water, just like dead ants! Yeeks!

Options for cooking different types of food- grains, dried/ wet beans, green beans, paste and corn juice (left to right)
In this case, I'll choose the paste button

Grind, blend, cook...
After 20 minutes

You can tell the consistency of thickness by looking at the sides

Add in sugar, sweetness depends on a person's taste

Served in a traditional chinese dessert/ rice bowl.
Can't be compared to ' 味香园'. Overall, the taste is good :)

Something random, I'd gotten a Taiwan brand body/face scrub from school retailer yesterday for 8 bucks. Haven't try it out yet, anticipate that the product will turn out to be a satisfaction.

Gonna try it out soon!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chocolate chips cookies

To cheer up my Danny brother, I've decided to bake chocolate chip cookies for him and my family.

Cream butter with brown and white sugar



smooth and fluffy

Beat in eggs, 1 at a time

Add in vanilla extract

Sieve in flour, baking soda and salt

Stir in Hershey mini chocolate chip ( Danny's remark: I prefer bigger chunks of chocolate) :P

Place dough on tray lined with parchment papers (I re-used the paper which explains greasy spots on paper, haha)

Bake for 12-15mins

Yum yum crispy chocolate chip cookies :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Start afresh

This is the first attempt on writing a post on onsugar. Surprisely, I get a hands on of it quite easily as compared to the previous blogs which I had used ( Wordpress is arduous to manage)

This is will be a fresh start on my blog.

My mum has come back home from M'sia after one month plus away to take care of my bedridden Popo ( which I called my grandmother in cantonese)

It is very dejected to see Popo in this state, struck by a stroke and now, in coma. She still has her senses, feeling of happiness, anger and which I felt pain has overtaken everything. Most of my aunts will hope for anything that may reduce her pain.

Mum has to rush back to M'sia in a few days time to accompany Popo. Believe it or not, Popo may not live long and she will not be able to pass through Chinese New Year. This is told by a divine that foresee Popo's lifespan. This makes everyone in the family so downhearted. There is no choice and no way that we can do to meliorate.

Along with this demoralizing issue, another devastating situation afflict emotional strain on Mum and Dad. Last Friday, my big brother (Danny) was away for his field camp in a jungle. During his field camp, he accidentally killed a centipede.

You may find the words which I state later being hilarious and comical. It's TRUE.
Danny is being disturbed by the dead spirit of that centipede. He screamed and shouted madly in the middle of the night and before he could stomp out of his room, Dad stopped him. Feeling conscious of what he was doing, he recalled his dream where he stood in the dark jungle, alone. In that dream, he kept shouting for help when nobody was there. When my Dad got hold of him, the jungle which he dreamed of, was relighted. He is feeling emotionally distressed and angry. He can't control his action and emotion.
The way he spoke and react was not him, not the usual bumbly and cheerful brother that I've known.

Such incident isn't unprecedented, Danny was disturbed by another spirit during his childhood. It was somewhat similar circumstances and the way he acted these few days remind me of those days. That spirit has daunted him for years till he was 12 years old.

These few days will be nerve wracking, watching over my brother to prevent him from doing foolish things. No sleep for me, but what I hope most is definitely safety and happiness for my family.

Alright, enough of melancholiness. Over the weekend, I had been displaying my talent in baking ( Haha, shameless ). Tada, mini durian cream puff.
The durians were bought in Bangkit and cost me $10 for 3 boxes. Overall, It was quite worth it since my puffs came out to be a success. ^^

Firstly, Durian filling must be prepared.

Gelatine powder melted.

Durian flesh

Whipping cream getting ready

Whip whipping cream till soft peak

Add in durian flesh with whipped cream

Incorporate durian pulp with dissolved gelatine

Chilled durian pulp in freezer covered with cling wrap

Meanwhile, prepare the ingredients for puff pastry

Soft dough completed after every ingredients were cooked except for eggs

Add in eggs

Mixture getting ready !

 Piping bag stuffed with pastry cream

Cute pastry cream

Spray water on the puff

Baked puff

Durian cream puff



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